Lachlan Inglis

Lachlan joined Water Technology in 2011, previously working as a student engineer for Melbourne Water while completing a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (with Honours) at Monash University. He has experience in a range of urban water, floodplain, mining, development applications as well as council flood mapping and mitigation projects. Throughout these projects Lachlan has gained experience in hydraulic, hydrologic and water quality modelling. He has undertaken a wide range of flood studies involving flood frequency analysis, construction and calibration of hydrological models and hydraulic flood models while also gaining extensive experience in TUFLOW Direct Rainfall modelling at fine scale as well as MIKE FLOOD modelling for urban catchments.

More recently Lachlan has managed a number of flood studies and has undertaken large catchment modelling through the use of TUFLOW HPC and MIKE flexible mesh modelling which allows for high resolution modelling across entire river systems and large regional catchments. Lachlan also has extensive GIS analysis skills across a variety of GIS and CAD based programs.

Based in the Water Technology Geelong office, Lachlan has a keen interest in locally based project work throughout the Geelong and broader South West Victorian region.


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